Let it Roll
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title”Let it Roll” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! My trip to church at Creekside takes me past several churches — at least three or four, depending on my route. One of those churches has a digital electronic sign which can scroll different messages: a little higher tech than the movable letters…
It Is Good
Bulletin Scripture “It Is Good” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! I have so much I want to share with you today — our theme is Creation and the Creation story from Genesis, and there’s a lot of territory to cover. I had Lodema read the opening of Genesis Chapter 2, which is the summary…
Out of the Ordinary
Bulletin Scripture “Out of the Ordinary” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! It is wonderful to be with you in this beautiful place on a late summer day. I would guess that many of you have your own ways of tracking the progression of the season, beside the days on the calendar. The transition from…
Forgiveness and Healing
Bulletin Scripture “Forgiveness and Healing” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Hurrah! I am so grateful to be back with you. I may be almost as happy to be in the pulpit this morning as Tim Morphew is to be out of it. You may be ready to move on from three months of the Sermon on…
A Labor of Love
Bulletin Scripture “A Labor of Love” by Guest Speaker Brad Hardesty No Text Available