Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Hands” by Guest Speaker Marlene Kroeker Sermon text not available
Read MoreHeart
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Heart” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This is the second Sunday of our series on biblical stewardship, Head, Heart, Hands. Last week I spoke, and some of you talked about in Sunday School, about Head and how what we have learned or what we know plays a role in our…
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Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Head” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! If you have paid attention to the April Connection, Pastor’s Report, or logo at the top of your bulletin, you might be aware that this is the first of a three-part series on biblical stewardship, Head, Heart, Hands. If this is news to you,…
Read MoreSPA Ministries
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title: SPA Ministry Sermon text not available
Read MoreSeen and Heard
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Seen and Heard” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This is the day that we remember and rejoice because of what we have seen and heard about the resurrection of Jesus. He died and went to his Father, and now that gift of life is revealed to us. We have seen…
Read MoreFearLess
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “FearLess” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! Christ is Risen (He is risen, indeed.) I love that. Thanks for that response which has been used be believers for almost 2,000 years. Whatever else happens in the Church, I hope that Easter is always something we will be able to celebrate together.…
Read MoreDeserted
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title: “Deserted” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! The diverse stories and experiences which are represented by the shoes on the chancel have brought us together as travelers on the road. At the beginning of this service, we covered that path with palm fronds — a symbol of preparation for a procession…
Read MoreChurch of the Brethren: Who Are We?
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Church of the Brethren: Who Are We?” by Guest Speaker Paul Thomas, Jr. Sermon Text not Available
Read MoreThrough Thick and Thin
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Through Thick and Thin” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This is the fourth Sunday of Lent and we are continuing to consider what it means to be travelers on the road with one another, as we make the journey of faith. If you are paying attention this morning, you may…
Read MoreUnder Construction
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Under Construction” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! It is the third Sunday of Lent, and for a little review, we spent the past two Sundays with Mark’s gospel as our guide on our Lenten journey. We began with Jesus’ baptism and the affirmation of his identity as God’s Beloved immediately…
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