Battling Dragons

Bulletin Scripture “Battling Dragons” by Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  Happy Mother’s Day!  It’s been great to finally have a beautiful weekend with sunshine and blue skies, and the hope that spring might actually come for real.  It’s also wonderful to see extended families here from out of the area to celebrate this special day.  It’s…


Mayday! Mayday!

YouTube not available Bulletin Scripture “Mayday! Mayday!” by Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  You have probably heard the news from last week that Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has purchased media platform Twitter.  This has set off a whole round of bargaining between media giants YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, who are in negotiations…



Bulletin Scripture “Risen!” by Rosanna McFadden Christ is risen!  [Christ is risen indeed!]  Halleluiah.  That Easter greeting and response has been exchanged by believers for more than 1,000 years.  It actually fits neatly as the last piece of our Lenten theme, which was Who do you say I am?  In which we have been exploring…


“Hail to the King” & “Lamb of God”

Bulletin Scripture “Hail to the King” & “Lamb of God” by Rosanna McFadden “Hail to the King” Meditations for 4.10.22 L5 Palm Sunday John 12:12-19 Good morning!  Palm Sunday is such a joyous celebration: I have mentioned before how much I love to see the palms waving, and hearing everyone shouting and singing my name…