Act of Boldness

Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Boldness” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  This is third Sunday after Pentecost, and the fourth in our series “Courageous Acts.” Beginning in Acts chapter 2, we have heard about communication, caring and healing and the ways in which the Holy Spirit spoke to and through the first apostles…


Act of Healing

Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Healing” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  This is our third Sunday in the series “Courageous Acts,” looking at the Acts of the Apostles, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and God’s mission for the church.  Two weeks ago, on Pentecost Sunday, I talked about God’s act of communication…


Act of Care

Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Care” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  This is the Sunday after Pentecost, and the second Sunday in our sermon Series “Courageous Acts;” we are going to looking at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Acts of the Apostles.  Last week I talked about God’s act of…


Act of Communication

Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Communication” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning!  Pentecost Sunday at Creekside — as in the text which Joe just read for us — is a beginning.  Pentecost is sometimes characterized as the birth of the church, or even the birthday of the church, and as with any birthday, it…


Watching, Waiting, and Witnessing

Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Watching, Waiting, and Witnessing” by Guest Speaker Tim Morphew When asked, in February 2002, about the apparent lack of evidence linking Iraq to terror groups then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfelt observed that: “There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are…