Like a Mustard Seed
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Like a Mustard Seed” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This is the first Sunday of a series on the theme of “Like a Mustard Seed.” The text from Matthew’s gospel which Lodema read for us this morning is probably familiar to you — it’s one of Jesus shorter parables, and…
Building for Christ
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Building for Christ” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! I am happy to be with you again, and grateful for the leadership from Stan Noffsinger and Anne Griffith last week. I heard positive comments about Stan’s message, particularly that it meant that the service was done before 10:30. Don’t get used…
A Matter of the Heart
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “A Matter of the Heart” by Guest Speaker Stan Noffsinger Sermon Text Not Available
Act of Sacrifice
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Sacrifice” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This is the last Sunday of our sermon series on Courageous Acts. We have been looking at the story of the apostles and the early church and the work of the Holy Spirit as told by Luke in the book of Acts. …
Act of Faith
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Act of Faith” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning. I had no idea when I planned this sermon series on the Acts of the Apostles and this Sunday’s text about an act of faith how relevant that would be to me and my family and the events of the past week. …