Getting Our Feet Wet
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Getting Our Feet Wet” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! Thanks to Lodema for reading this text for us from the book of Joshua, with all its Perizzites, Girgashites, Jebusites, and what not. It was an important part of the Lord’s proclamation to Joshua that all tribes were going to be…
Saved in the Cloud
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Saved in the Cloud” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! I saw a cartoon the other day, Jesus is clipping coupons out of the newspaper; the caption reads “Jesus Saves.” You can also find memes out there which say some version of “I spend; Jesus saves.” Of course, saving is not…
We Belong to God
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “We Belong to God” by Guest Speaker Janet Shaver Text Not Available
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “Whatever” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! It is nice to see so many of you here for worship — we know members have been traveling and many of you were right here for a lot of the afternoon and evening working at the Fish Fry. Once again, when I was…
The Biggest Loser
Bulletin Scripture Sermon Title “The Biggest Loser” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Good morning! This Sunday and next Sunday I will be preaching from the Paul’s letter to the Philippians. It is a letter of thanks and encouragement to the church at Philippi, for the ways that they have supported Paul and his ministry. It was…