Bulletin Luke 1:39-45 “Love” by Rosanna McFadden Good morning! Welcome to this fourth Sunday of Advent, the last Sunday before Christmas: all of our Advent candles are now lighted, and on Christmas Eve we will light the Christ candle to celebrate Christ’s birth, and that he lives among us. Because Christmas is still nearly a…
Bulletin Luke 1:46-55 “Joy” by Rosanna McFadden Good morning! It is the third Sunday of Advent and we have lit the candle for Joy. Although practice varies from place to place, the candle for Joy is traditionally pink or rose-colored to represent a lighter, more joyful, version of the purple or deep blue candles than…
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“Peace” by Rosanna McFadden Isaiah 11:6-9 Good morning! It is the second Sunday of Advent and a week closer to our celebration of the birth of Jesus. I want to try to set the stage for you with a metaphor, and see if this can help to give us some context this morning. I don’t…
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“Hope” by Rosanna McFadden Jeremiah 33:14-16 Good morning. Welcome to this first Sunday of Advent. You may have already figured out what the theme of this Sunday is, and I hope you can carry it with you this coming week as you light your own Advent candles and find the scripture verses on your Advent…
Read MoreLifted Up
“Lifted Up” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Good morning! This is Thanksgiving Sunday: it is also the last Sunday of the church year, known as Christ the King Sunday or Eternity Sunday. Of course, you can make the case — and I plan to pretty shortly — that every Sunday should be Thanksgiving…
Read MoreIndescribable
“Indescribable” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden 2 Corinthians 9:11-15 Good morning! This is the second Sunday of November and the second week of the three-week series Grateful. If you have been reading or sharing the Grateful devotional journals, this morning’s text is taken from this past week’s readings on Giving. The readings for the first week…
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“Sow and Sow” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 Good morning! It is good to be back with you, and great to have an extra hour to sleep in and prepare for the day. Tim and I had a relaxing week away in Florida; a perceptive person asked me about the fall colors on…
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“Learning to Fear” by guest speaker Carrie Eikler Psalm 34:9-14
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“Created” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Psalm 104:1-31 Good morning! This is our last in series of three sermons on the psalms, and maybe (maybe!) the last time I will get to ask you, Which tree are you? [Slide grid] For the past two weeks I’ve put up this grid of tree photos at the end…
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“Protected” by Pastor Rosanna McFadden Psalm 91:1-16 Good morning! I have been continuing to think about trees this week — especially because I have a limb which isn’t doing too well. [Slide tree grid] I invite you to consider or re-consider which tree you are. If you were here last week, you might be the…
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